Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ramping up for the 2013 NBA All-Star Jam Session

The clock is ticking for the FILO crew to begin packing 20 trucks that will make the trek down to Houston, Texas for the nation’s largest basketball fan fest: NBA All-Star Jam Session. This year’s festivities are returning to the George R. Brown Convention Center.

This will be FILO’s 11th year assisting the production of the NBA All-Star Jam Session and we’re looking forward to it!

FILO will spend many hours in the warehouse prepping items that will head to Jam Session. Brian Buron, FILO Director & 10 year veteran said, “Each year the prepping in the warehouse seems to get better and better. This year having the warehouse under the same roof as the office will make things more efficient for the crew.”
Along with the warehouse duties, FILO is also working in tandem with the NBA and other vendors to establish layouts, production schedules, access, parking, trucking, shipping, scheduling and other key projects to create a successful Jam Session.

We look forward to another successful event.

1 comment:

  1. by Rita -- Post made through www.filoproductions.com --
    admin escrigue9:Duis puvnilar, elit eget congue tristique, libero leo aliquam quam, et cursus nisi odio a purus. Suspendisse enim tortor, rutrum id pellentesque at, ultricies quis ipsum. Fusce blandit enim ac velit ullamcorper pellentesque sit amet vel risus. Curabitur id eros eu lorem lobortis lobortis. Nullam condimentum luctus orci in pharetra venenatis ornare.
