Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Company Spotlight-FILO's New Vice President

Name:  Andrew J. Westphal
Originally From: New Berlin, WI
What do you hope to accomplish as the new V.P. of FILO: My main goal as the Vice President of FILO is to help build upon a strong foundation for an already successful company. I look forward to continuing wonderful relationships with the clients we have worked with for years, along with building new relationships with prospective clientele. The best thing I can do is continue to help promote who we are as a company. FILO is all about hard-work, dedication and providing a valuable service to attain any number of client goals.  I’m very grateful for this opportunity and couldn’t be more excited about what the future holds for FILO.
Years with FILO: I started my career with FILO back in 2007. At the time, I was aspiring to be a writer or actor in California. After a few months working part-time, I was sold on wanting to move back to the Midwest and work for the event management company.
Best event you’ve ever been a part of: I feel like I need to pick an international event, but I’m going to go against the grain here and say the World Basketball Festival in Times Square. There is a lot of history there, and it’s one of my most memorable moments working for FILO, as an emcee, in front of thousands of people.
Explain Puff: When I was a freshman in high-school, I was given the nickname “Cream Puff.” The name stuck all through high-school, during college and even throughout most of my adult life. People use slight variations of it, but if you ever hear the name “Puff” being called out, it’s probably me.
Favorite sports figure: It used to be Muggsy Bogues.  Growing up, I admired the guy who was only 5’3” and could play in the NBA. In eighth grade we had to draw what we wanted to be when we grew up, and I drew a life-sized “Puff” in a Charlotte Hornets jersey with the #1 on the front. Close seconds are Michael Jordan, Vince Lombardi and Andre Agassi. They all had the same thing in common, (in my eyes): passion.  Passion is a big part of who I am as a person, and I hope to show that as the new Vice President of FILO.
One thing most people wouldn’t know about you: I love films. And I don’t just mean it like I enjoy watching them. It’s been a passion of mine ever since I was younger. I’ve read books and started journals on critiquing films over the years. People might find this surprising, but I would rather watch the Golden Globes and the Oscars, than the Super Bowl. There is something very dear to me about telling a story. I think movies and music are the greatest things in the world. My favorite movie is Back to the Future. Sounds kind of weird, but it’s one of those 80’s things.
One thing in this world you cannot live without: Phone charger, duh. My phone is an extension of my hand and while most people are anti-that, I love having it handy since it does everything for me. Literally, everything!
Snow or sun: Sun, sun and more sun.  “Seasons,” don’t necessarily matter to me. I would be perfectly happy if the temperature never dropped below 70 degrees, even if that meant I had to deal with temperatures exceeding 100.

1 comment:

  1. by Thomson -- Post made through www.filoproductions.com --
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