Wednesday, April 23, 2014

FILO in Texas for NBA FIT Clinic

On April 12th and 13th FILO Productions and the NBA teamed up with Wal-Mart to put on another NBA FIT Clinic event. NBA FIT, in conjunction with Wal-Mart, put on clinics in San Antonio and Houston, Texas. The FIT initiatives preach a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy, playing together, and being active. For these particular clinics we were honored to have former San Antonio Spurs guard TJ Ford, as well as NBA Legend Clyde Drexler, as our coaches.

The coaches use their experiences as NBA players to help participants of the clinics learn the basics of the game while teaching them how to be healthy. The best part of the clinics isn’t the great instruction kids receive, but that it is free.

Both the San Antonio and Houston clinics were well attended with over 125 kids coming out for the clinics. Other than going through the clinics with the coaches they also get an opportunity to go home with an autograph and picture with their coach plus some NBA giveaways. Overall the NBA Fit clinics have been a great success this spring, and FILO looks forward to putting on more great Fit clinics this spring. Next stop is May 3rd in Memphis, Tennessee; hope to see you all there.


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