Sunday, June 15, 2014

Thank You, Andy!

We wanted to take the time to say a BIG thank you to one of our long-time employees, Andy Acosta. His impeccable style and perfect hair, but most importantly his ability to create lasting memories and relationships with our clients and their customers will be truly missed.

Since 2006, Andy has been one of the biggest assets to FILO Productions. The passion he brought to his work and clients on a daily basis was something we will all remember.

Andy brought to our attention that he would be moving on in his career at another company. Although it was tough to hear he would be leaving, we wanted to thank him for his 8 years of dedication and hard work, so, Thank You Andy!

Rock Chalk!

Germanfest! St. Paul's New Premiere Summer Event

On Saturday, June 21st, Germanfest kicked off it’s inaugural festival at the Historic Schmidt Brewery in St. Paul, MN. Germanfest was not the stereotypical “Oktoberfest” festival, instead it was focused on celebrating German culture through food, music, dance, art, and education.

The festival ran both Saturday and Sunday with the re-lighting of the Schmidt letters being the overwhelming highlight. People of all ages came out to watch the iconic letters glow red again, just like it did many years ago.

As far as first year festivals go, Germanfest overcame any expectations it had. With beautiful weather and many different activities taking place, festivalgoers had a great experience to walk away with.

Other than the highlighted re-lighting, other popular activities included: World Cup Viewing, Strongman Competition, Long-Dog Races and various musical performances.

A BIG thank you to our sponsors. We honestly couldn’t have done it without you.

FILO along with The Fort Road Federation, are excited to start planning for year two!


FILO Manages Blowout Viewing Party

On Wednesday, June 4th, the New York Rangers wrapped up one of the finest public events to ever take place at Bryant Park. Over 10,000 screaming fans attended a FREE event that included a LIVE showing of Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final between the New York Rangers and the Los Angeles Kings. The event included a Chase sponsored Viewing Party featuring a 18’ x 30' LED Jumbotron and a Coke Zero sponsored Fan Festival.

While the outcome of the game was not what New Yorkers had hoped for, the memory and experience created at Bryant Park on that Wednesday evening was unimaginable.

There was a branded synthetic ice rink for young fans, face painters, a custom branded photobooth that integrated social media, hometown RangersTown letters, spot-lights, a 20' x 30' stage, alumni autographs and even an opportunity to get your picture taken with Henrik Lundqvist — a very cool tablet photo-opportunity that had the goaltender¹s image designed for a fan to stand next to him!

Overall, the event was deemed a giant success and the weather cooperated to create a beautiful day (and evening) for a tremendous overtime game.

FILO Productions worked with the New York Rangers to create hockey branded interactives, procure all equipment, set-up and tear down the event, manage crowd control, plan and permit with the City of New York, NYPD and Bryant Park Corporation, provide brand ambassadors, design and produce signage, and manage all operational logistics that went into the event.