Sunday, June 15, 2014

Germanfest! St. Paul's New Premiere Summer Event

On Saturday, June 21st, Germanfest kicked off it’s inaugural festival at the Historic Schmidt Brewery in St. Paul, MN. Germanfest was not the stereotypical “Oktoberfest” festival, instead it was focused on celebrating German culture through food, music, dance, art, and education.

The festival ran both Saturday and Sunday with the re-lighting of the Schmidt letters being the overwhelming highlight. People of all ages came out to watch the iconic letters glow red again, just like it did many years ago.

As far as first year festivals go, Germanfest overcame any expectations it had. With beautiful weather and many different activities taking place, festivalgoers had a great experience to walk away with.

Other than the highlighted re-lighting, other popular activities included: World Cup Viewing, Strongman Competition, Long-Dog Races and various musical performances.

A BIG thank you to our sponsors. We honestly couldn’t have done it without you.

FILO along with The Fort Road Federation, are excited to start planning for year two!


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